Thursday, May 4, 2017

1 Peter 2:9-11 As Aliens and Exiles

Observation: The author writes words of hope to the first generation of Jewish Christians, that it is not their family lineage but their shared faith that makes them a "royal priesthood". In the first century temple system, it was only a very small subset of the Jewish people--a certain family of priests and their sons--who could represent the people before God in making sacrifices. But since Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, it is all who believe in him whom God calls as priests, even though they may feel like "aliens and exiles" in the Greco-Roman culture.

Application: Since today is "May the Fourth," of course I feel compelled to make another Star Wars connection. In the wildly diverse and colorful spacescape of "a galaxy far, far away," it seems that there are no "aliens and exiles," because differences in appearance, language and culture are assumed. If there is any group that is truly "alien," it is the Jedi, who are not defined by species but by their commitment to wield the power of the Force for the good of the galaxy. Even when their numbers have dwindled to a handful as a result of intense persecution, their power has not diminished one bit, because it isn't based on how many adherents they have or planets they rule: it comes from the wisdom of their teachings and practices. 

Similarly, Christians in the northern hemisphere may increasingly feel we are "aliens and exiles". I'm just going to say it: especially as I reflect on Jesus' teachings about feeding the hungry, caring for the sick and welcoming the stranger, I can understand how disciples of Jesus may feel like "aliens and exiles" even in our predominantly "Christian" nation. And maybe that's a good thing. Maybe we should be waking up and asking how Christians ever managed to "fit in", considering the ways Jesus stood against the power structures of his day. 
Like the Jedi, Christians are committed to follow in the Way laid out for us, without regard to how it affects our numbers, our prestige, or even some preconceived notions about "success." But while the Jedi walk in the Way of the Force, our Way is Jesus' way: in fact it is Jesus himself. And while we act as his priests and envoys in this culture, we don't look to worldly measures of success: success is trusting in him. 
To quote a fictional "teacher": 
"Judge me by my size, do you?
...and well you should not. "

Prayer: God, help us to follow in the Way. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tim. I'm sure God's view is that none of us are aliens, if only we all had that belief. Supposedly this is a "Christian" nation, or maybe it started that way, but what I see now more than ever, is that there are many who dress as Christians but don't act as Jesus would have us be. Where is there any shred of caring for the sick and feeding the hungry in the political thinking of so many today? I refuse to give up hope, though.
