Thursday, March 9, 2017

2 Timothy 1:3-7. The Spirit God Gave You.

Me as an intern in Libby, Montana, 2006

Observation: Paul is writing to inspire and instruct Timothy, a young pastor whom we trained and ordained for ministry, and who is now serving some of the churches Paul himself founded. What strikes me is the amazingly close relationship between Paul and Timothy, and the confidence Paul has that Timothy is indeed called to this work by God, and that God's Spirit will sustain him. 

Application: Today I'm reminded of The Rev. H. Gerard Knoche, the Bishop of the Delaware Maryland Synod who ordained me at All Saints Lutheran Church in Hartland, Michigan on June 17, 2007. No one who ever met Jerry has ever forgotten his big, booming voice, nor his spirit of hospitality, nor his zeal for evangelical outreach. I happened to be in class at Trinity Seminary as the Conference of Bishops made their synodical assignments, so my wife picked up the phone when he called to tell me Maryland would be our new home. Incidentally, she thought he might be a salesman at first--which was not entirely false--but it did make us laugh later. Jerry died last year, and I was one of many in our Synod who gathered to celebrate his life and his hope in the Resurrection life to come. 

I think of Bishop Knoche as I read about "the gift of God that is within you through the laying on of my hands," of course, because laying on of hands is a critical part of ordination. And because I'm creeping up on my tenth anniversary of ordination. And because I'm in the call process...again...and I am so, so grateful for Paul's words, that this gift can be rekindled, even after a little extra mileage and mud from the road and a tune-up or two. I'm looking back with thanksgiving for Jerry, and for all the pastors who have inspired and encouraged me over the years. On the day after International Women's Day, I'm also reminded that, just as Timothy's mother and grandmother formed his faith in meaningful ways, I too can give thanks to God for my mother Lori, my grandmothers Lorraine and Suzy, for my youth leader Pam, and for my pastors as a young adult, Heather and Julianne, all faithful women who shared the Gospel with me.
It occurs to me reading this passage that if ever there was a time that I need a little "rekindle", this is it. I see the Holy Spirit shifting things around, making room in new places, and frankly, giving me a little "nudge" out of more familiar places, where I fit in so well before. The worst part is when you feel the "nudge" first, and have to trust that it means something new is happening that you don't know about yet. I'm thankful for the spirit of power, love and self-discipline God has given me--before I was ever called or ordained--at my baptism, when God called me into God's own family. Even when I'm feeling doubtful or confused or (honestly) a little sorry for myself, that Spirit sticks around, ready for a rekindle, in God's time. I pray for you today, that you would remember the same is true for us all.

Prayer: We  give you thanks, O God, that through the waters of baptism you give us new birth, cleanse us from sin, and raise us to eternal life. 
Stir up in your people the gift of your Holy Spirit:
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord,
the Spirit of joy in your presence,
both now and forever.

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