Thursday, January 12, 2017

Psalm 40, and Good Ol' Rock Bottom

Observation: What fascinates me about Psalm 40 is the psalmist does not say God made everything all better and now life is hunky dory. What the psalm says is God "set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure." It may not be exactly where the psalmist wants to be, but it's a secure place: a place to start again.

Application: Often, I think the hardest part about a hard time in life--whether it's in a job, with a relationship, or struggling with an illness or addiction--is the lack of security. The feeling that, bad as it is, it might still get worse. That sinking feeling of the "miry bog." Often in those times I've thought, "you know, I'd actually be okay with things getting even a little worse, as long as I know that's rock bottom, and it's only up from there." Many in the 12-step community, as well as folks who have had a dramatic conversion experience, will gladly recount their "rock bottom" experience, because that was when they saw God creating a foundation for change. Rock bottom is better than sinking. It's better than uncertainty. It's the place where we know we can't depend on ourselves. It has to be God.
One of my favorite Netflix characters, Kimmy Schmidt, when describing a rock bottom experience, says, "you can handle anything for ten seconds. Then you can start on a new ten seconds." Rock bottom doesn't feel great. But with God, we can deal with it ten seconds at a time. And maybe in one of those ten second intervals, we may even discover the Rock is God.

Prayer: God, thank you for being our rock. Help us to rely on you, both on the good days, and in the miry bog. Amen.

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