Monday, January 2, 2017

Acts 9:1-9 It's not what you know, it's who you know.

It's such a vivid turn of phrase. Saul is "still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord". Almost cartoonish...Mumbling involuntarily, breathing hatred in and out, like Daffy Duck or Yosemite Sam after being thwarted by Bugs Bunny.
This is Saul's state of mind before meeting the Risen Lord. So caught up in his hatred of Jesus' disciples that it comes as naturally as his breath, and like breath, is often taken for granted and unnoticed most of the time. 
That is, until actually meeting the object of his hatred face to face, which takes his breath away...

Too often in this world, we operate exactly the way Saul is operating. Hatred and division has become the norm in our interactions, to the point where it's second nature, not even noticed anymore. Dehumanizing people who disagree with us politically or theologically has become like the air we breathe: always there, always affecting us, only rarely noticed. 

This is not something that can be overcome with facts and figures. I believe if God could overcome Saul's hatred, God can create unity out of disunity. I believe the Spirit can make us aware of our unconscious biases, the language we use that dehumanizes those who think or speak or believe differently than we do. And one way the Spirit can do that is by putting us face to face with real people who our language is affecting: just as Jesus did with Saul. 

God, I may not even be aware of some of the attitudes I have which need repentance. I may be breathing in and out poison without even knowing it. I ask you, Lord, to take my breath away. Face me down in the face of the person I'm dehumanizing. Show me your face in the face of my adversary. Amen. 

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