Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Hebrews 2:14-18 He Himself Was being Tested


Observation: Today is the Presentation of Our Lord, which commemorates the day when Jesus was first brought into the Jerusalem Temple and greeted with praise by the elderly prophets, Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:22-40). In the Jewish faith of Jesus' time, it was necessary for a woman to offer a sacrifice for purification 40 days after giving birth (which is why we celebrate this day 40 days after Dec. 25!) But this reading doesn't talk directly about that. Instead, it is one more theological reflection, before we turn the page to Lent, about what it means that Jesus took on flesh and became human. He became "like his brothers and sisters in every respect", in order to make a faithful sacrifice of his own life for us. 

Application: Jesus was 'like us in every respect.' To me, this is a helpful reminder. Jesus experienced not just the physical stuff, getting hungry and thirsty, catching colds, needing sleep, or experiencing sexual desire. If Jesus was 'like us in every respect', he also experienced the mental and spiritual struggles of being human. He definitely had a deep sense of personal calling, but he also experienced self doubt. He knew, deep down in his bones, the path God had laid out for him, but that doesn't mean he never had fear or worry in walking it. He announced the Reign of God with all he said and did, but he still experienced frustration, impatience, and deep pain looking around at a world so far removed from that ideal. It is torture, in its own way, to know God's vision for people, when reality is so different. So in my moments of self doubt, of frustration, of exhaustion, I feel Jesus' solidarity. he was walked this same road. 

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for walking this same lonesome valley before I was ever born. Thank you for walking it with me now. Amen.  

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