Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Obadiah 17-21 And the Kingdom Shall Be the Lord's

Observation: The end of this book is about vengeance. The "house of Esau", or the Edomite neighbors who stood by and let Judah be conquered, will be "burned up" by the Judahite kingdom. But ultimately, "the kingdom shall be the Lord's." Throughout the Old Testament, we are reminded again and again that the real ruler of Israel is God. Any other earthly king can only rule in God's place, on God's behalf.

Application: I don't think God wants me to take away from this that it's okay or good to seek out and fantasize about revenge. That's why I focus in on that last line: "The kingdom shall be the Lord's". Whatever else will or won't happen in this renewed kingdom, the most important thing to the prophet is that it belongs to God, and God calls the shots.

This makes me think of the things I pray about on a regular basis. I've never specifically prayed for revenge, but we all pray with certain "results" in mind.  Whether it's health, safety, happiness, security, success, prosperity, healing, or a hundred other things, we pray asking God to take action and achieve a positive outcome.

But in Christian prayer, there's always a twist ending: "In Jesus' name, Amen." We pray this because whatever result we have in mind, we want it to be in line with Jesus' purposes. If it doesn't advance God's Reign, the space in which God's will is done on earth as in heaven, we don't want it. That's why we bring Jesus' name into it. Anything we receive, build or dream up belongs to God.

Prayer: God, help me turn my dreams and visions over to you. Be the Lord of my heart and mind. Make me part of achieving your will today. I pray it in Jesus' name. Amen.

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