Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Christian Citizenship (Biblical Reasons Why I Want to Be a Christian in a Multi-Faith Nation) Part 16


This post is part 16 of a series on Christian citizenship, and why I believe mixing Christian identity with American identity is bad for both. I hope to give you little bite-sized thoughts, which represent themes you'll find throughout the Bible and historic Christian teachings.

I hope they make you think.

It's been another busy weekend, but I'm back with another reason I want to live as a Christian in a multi-faith nation.

In Daniel 6, Daniel is thrown into the lion’s den for practicing his faith, and praying to God during a time when Darius, a king from Mede, declared that no one in Babylon should pray to anyone but himself for 30 days. 

Daniel's predicament comes as a result of a conspiracy of Darius' officials to specifically target Daniel because of his faith: the 30 days of praying to the king was their idea, because they knew Daniel was obligated to pray to God three times a day. 

As every Sunday School teacher can tell you, Daniel makes it out of the lions' den unharmed: God sends an angel to "shut the lions' mouths." 

This is one of many stories in the Hebrew Bible about how to live as a minority faith in a land that follows other gods. Learning how to resist public pressure is good for our faith.   

For a lesson from Acts about obeying human leaders, check out tomorrow's post.

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