Tuesday, November 30, 2021

John 1:35-42 Andrew Said it First


Observation: Today is the festival of Andrew the apostle, and so we read about Andrew's first meeting with Jesus. It's notable in John's Gospel that Andrew has already been searching for truth--he is a follower of John the Baptist. It's also notable that Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, is the first to name Jesus as "Messiah", or "Christ" in Greek. In days long past, the king of Israel, whom God chose to lead the people, was anointed with oil by a priest. For centuries, the people have been waiting for another anointed ruler to save Israel from oppression and sin. The other Gospels make a big deal out of Simon Peter's confession that Jesus is the Messiah. For them, Peter is the first to use that word, and it comes only after walking with Jesus and seeing him in action. In John's telling, Peter first hears it from his brother Andrew. 

Application: I don't know what it is that Andrew sees in Jesus that makes him so certain he's in the presence of an anointed king. John the Baptist has already called him "Lamb of God," but "Messiah" first comes from Andrew's lips. He doesn't wear a crown or fine robes. He's a carpenter. A laborer among laborers. Yet after spending just an afternoon with him, Andrew knows this is "the one", and he's excited to tell his brother about him. 

Learning from Andrew's example, I want to draw my conclusions about Jesus not from appearances, and not from what others say, but from spending time with him. Hanging out with Jesus changes us. And it helps us reach out to others who might want to get to know him. 

Prayer: Jesus, Messiah, help me find more time today to spend with you. Reign in  my heart, and open my mouth to share you with others. Amen.  



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