Friday, June 29, 2018

2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18

Observation: Even though 2 Timothy is a disputed letter (many scholars believe it was written by another writer in Paul's name) in this chapter we read what feels like a very personal goodbye from Paul to Timothy, a younger pastor whom he has mentored.

Application: I had an odd moment in NRG stadium last night. On the screen came a prompt: "Raise your hand if you were born after 2000." And of course the vast majority did, because this was a high school youth gathering. I felt old. But when I got past the ego factor of realizing I was already a college student when these kids were born, I started to realize that the years coming up will be their time. It didn't make me jealous or fearful---believe me, they'll handle it just fine--but I just had this sense, that one day I will be passing the torch to someone born after 2000.

Someone born after 9/11 will one day be my pastor, and my bishop. Someone who has never used a pay phone, maybe someone in that very stadium, will teach and mentor my grandkids with the faith they learned here. Someone born in the third millennium will bury me and provide pastoral care to my family. And they will do just fine.

To know ahead of time that the Church is in good hands is a blessing. I haven't finished my race just yet, but this gives me energy for the next lap.

Prayer: God, thank you for this present season of discipleship. Thank you for those you have given me to mentor. Give me grace to the day you call me to follow them. Amen.

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