Wednesday, January 3, 2018

James 4:1-10 You've Got to Pick a Pocket or Two (Or Not...)

Observation: The epistle of James breaks down the source of sin and division so simply. It's all about money. Murder, disputes, conflicts, it's all about wanting what we don't have, and taking advantage of our neighbors to get it. But James's alternative is so simple: if we need something, why not ask God?

Application: I'm reminded of Fagan's song from the music, "Oliver": 

In this life, one thing counts
In the bank, large amounts
I'm afraid these don't grow on trees
You've got to pick a pocket or two. 

We may not literally agree that theft is the only way to get by, but we do often live our lives as though our gain is someone else's loss: as though there's only so much to go around, and my having more means you have less. 

But God is generous, and God isn't limited by our human scarcity-based existence. God made all that is, and God can create something from nothing. This year, whenever I'm feeling the pinch, I'm going to commit to asking God, and being honest about what I need. No pickpocketing needed. 

Prayer: God, help me know what I need, and know the difference between my needs and wants. Help me be honest with you in asking for what I need, and relying on your abundance. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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