Friday, July 7, 2017

Romans 7:7-20 Discovering What We're Really Like

Observation: Paul continues writing to Roman Christians about religious law. He makes the interesting point that although religious laws help us to avoid harmful behaviors, our sinful selves also use those laws to tempt us.

Application: Ah, the classic "Do Not Walk on the Grass" sign. Is there any sign quite so tempting on a summer day? It's like the red button you see in cartoons, with a sign saying "Do Not Push This Button." What's funny is, if I never saw the sign, I'd probably avoid the grass. But because the sign says not to, I'm that much more tempted to cut across. Why is it that when we see a sign telling us not to do something the first thing we want to do is see what will happen if we do it?

In a word: sin. Most folks don't like being told what to do. We would rather have control over ourselves. We would rather believe we know better than whoever put up the sign.

Even though, as I wrote yesterday, we are no longer bound by religious laws as a means of connecting with God--we are always connected through Christ--the law still serves a vital function in our lives. Without the law, each of us would believe we are perfect. We would have no sense that we fall short of God's expectations for us. We would have no self-awareness. God's law is a mirror showing us what we are really like. Without that we would never understand the need for the wondrous gift of God's grace and forgiveness.

Prayer: God, thank you for the gift of the law. Give me clear eyes to look at it directly, and see my real self in it, a sinner, yet loved and saved by you. Amen. 

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