Tuesday, May 11, 2021

1 Timothy 6:13-16 Without Spot or Blame


Observation: The words that catch my attention in this pastoral letter are "without spot or blame." Paul, or a representative writing in his name, encourages Timothy, a young pastor, to keep the commandment without spot or blame: flawlessly. Perfectly. He reminds Timothy that Jesus himself did this by freely confessing who he is in front of Pontius Pilate, knowing the consequence would be death. The words "without spot or blemish" are often used in the Hebrew Bible for a temple sacrifice: a goat or a lamb. 

Application: I'm a lot of things, but I am not "without spot or blame." I don't always know what to make of letters like this, that demand perfection. What I do know is that Jesus is without spot or blame, and he has willingly sacrificed himself for me. That doesn't let me off the hook, of course. In gratefulness for his sacrifice, I still try to get up and follow him as best I can each day, dwelling on his teachings, imitating his sacrificial love for the people he puts before me. But I know I can't reach perfection. The spots and blemishes will remain, but Jesus has taken care of them. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Jesus, Lamb of God, thank you for your sacrifice for me. Thank your for your grace and mercy. Help me to move forward into this day, giving yesterday's spots and blemishes over to you, keeping your greatest commandment of love. In your name I pray. Amen. 


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