Friday, January 17, 2020

Psalm 40:1-11 The Swamp of Sadness

Observation: What I love about the psalms is that they address just about any human experience you can imagine. In this psalm, the writer begins by proclaiming God's rescue from "the desolate pit" and "the miry bog." To me that sounds a lot like depression.

Application: I don't know if other children of the 80's hear this psalm in a similar way, but to me, the "desolate pit" and "the miry bog" takes me right to the "swamps of sadness" from the classic fantasy film, The Neverending Story. This was our generation's Old Yeller. In a terribly sad scene, the hero, Atreyu, loses his horse, Artax, in the swamp of sadness, and if not for miraculous intervention, would have lost his own life too. Not to a monster or a villain, but to sadness itself.

There's some debate among 30- and 40-somethings about this scene: was it unnecessarily traumatizing? Did it throw kids into the emotional deep end without a life vest? Or did it address the issue of loss and depression in a way that no other film had, and perhaps by doing so, offer a life vest to kids who were already there, not sure how to get out?

I tend toward the latter way of thinking, for the record. And I appreciate the honesty of the Bible in dealing with "the desolate pit" and "the miry bog." They are very real, whether we talk about them or not. It's incumbent on people of faith, I think, to admit that. To be aware that's where some folks we care about might be. And that's where Jesus is, too. We may not feel his presence: in fact, in some cases it may take medical interventions in order to feel anything at all. But he's there, and through the people who show up for us at our lowest point, we see his face.

If you are in the miry bog now, I want you to know you're not alone. Many people--probably folks you know--have been there before, and there is a way out. You are dearly loved by your maker who will never, ever forsake you. Reach out to me, or to someone else you trust. Call 1 800 273 8255. Just please, please remember you are of infinite value.

Prayer: God of our lives, you have lifted us up from the desolate pit before. We know you can do it again. Remind us of your love, and your presence. Lead us through today and into tomorrow. In the name of the Crucified and Risen One, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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