Thursday, April 4, 2019

Psalm 53: The Heart of a Fool.

Observation: This Psalm begins with the often quoted verse, "fools say in their hearts, 'there is no God.'" It's all too common that Christian believers proof-text this verse out of context, to use as ammunition against those who don't believe: "See? The Bible says you're a fool."

But if you keep reading even to the second and third verse, it says that God looks down to see if anyone is wise and seeks after God. The answer: "they have all fallen away; they are all alike perverse; there is no one who does good, no, not one."

Application: Here's a wild thought. it almost sounds like the psalmist isn't specifically calling out twenty-first century atheists, but rather pointing out that no one really seeks after God perfectly all the time. Consciously or unconsciously, we all sometimes behave as though we are the highest authority, answerable to no one. Maybe this text isn't a weapon to use on others, so much as a mirror to turn on ourselves: how have I put myself--my own opinions, desires and needs--in God's place in my heart?

Prayer: Lord, have mercy. When I have put myself first, I have said you are not there. Make yourself known in my life. Call me to account, and forgive my faithlessness. Amen. 

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