Tuesday, September 4, 2018

1 Peter 2:9-15 Suffering Unjustly

Observation: The author encourages slaves to accept their master's authority, and following Christ's example, to accept suffering, knowing he suffered for doing the right thing, too.

Application: I'd have an easier time with this passage if it were general ethical advice for anyone, rather than specifically aimed at slaves. In a system that history has proven intrinsically unjust, can any suffering really be "just"?

Still, the point of the passage holds for my life. I have a lot more control over my life circumstances than a slave would. But everyone has some suffering come into their life over which they don't have control. If we suffer due to our own bad choices, we have ourselves to blame. But if we suffer even though we're doing the right thing, we know that God will still be a just judge.

Prayer: God, help me focus less on circumstances I can't control, and more on my attitude and my conduct, which I can. Amen. 

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