Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Psalm 86: Help!

Observation: There are a lot of songs like Psalm 86 in the book of Psalms. It's a cry to God for help and deliverance from enemies. There is no story or historical context provided, and that's probably on purpose, so it can serve anyone anytime who needs it: "In the day of trouble I call on you, for you answer me." 

Application: This type of Psalm reminds me of that classic Beatles tune, "Help!" Until very recently, I just thought of that song as just a catchy tune. But as my son has become more interested in the Beatles' music, I've given it another few listens, and what's interesting is they actually wrote a hit song about their own prison of unprecedented fame. Their freedom, independence, their ability to have even a moment of silence or solitude anywhere, anytime, is gone, and they don't know how to get it back: "Help!" 

I can't say I relate to the fame part of that, but I definitely relate to feeling accosted by a constant flow of information. In an age where we may not need deliverance from a flesh-and-blood "enemy", I find myself calling to God for deliverance from the tidal wave of worries, obligations and concerns from just paying attention to today's world. The prayer of the church has often been "Help!", and it is not always answered by God actively saving a passive people. Sometimes deliverance means the ability to keep our cool, to remain focused on God and on who we are in Christ, and to do just one thing today--not everything, but maybe the first thing--to start healing God's world.

Prayer: Help! Help me, God, and anyone who is worried or anxious today. Give us the ability to unplug. Help us live fully in the moment, and in this day. Deliver us from oversaturation by all that is wrong. Show us one thing that is right, and help us take part in it. Amen. 

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