Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Christian Citizenship (Biblical Reasons Why I Want to Be a Christian in a Multi-Faith Nation) Part 36


This post is part 36 of a series on Christian citizenship, and why I believe mixing Christian identity with American identity is bad for both. I hope to give you little bite-sized thoughts, which represent themes you'll find throughout the Bible and historic Christian teachings.

Today's reason I want to live as a Christian in a multi-faith nation: because Christians have enough to worry about in keeping watch over our own souls, let alone the soul of a nation. 

Colossians, a letter attributed to the Apostle Paul, warns readers not to fall into a long list of bad habits of thought, word and deed, which believers had before they became Christians. Christians today tend to focus on sins related to sex, but right next to "fornication", the letter lists "greed (which is idolatry)" and "anger, wrath, malice, slander and abusive language from your mouth."

The letter's point is not that Christians never do these things--we wouldn't have a letter asking them not to if that were the case--but that seeking Christ helps renew our souls in order to live a new way. 

As I read this in my daily Bible readings, it occurred to me that just focusing on renewing my own soul in Christ is more than a full time job. If I were serious about that, I wouldn't have time to worry about how any local, state or national policies are favorable or unfavorable to Christians, because my main concern would be whether I myself am acting like a Christian. And I would venture a guess that if Christians focused first on our own thoughts, actions and most of all words, we would have more impact on our communities, and our nation, than any law or court case ever could.      

 For more background information read this statement from the ELCA's presiding bishop, or learn about Christians Against Christian Nationalism.   

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Christian Citizenship (Biblical Reasons Why I Want to Be a Christian in a Multi-Faith Nation) Part 35


This post is part 35 of a series on Christian citizenship, and why I believe mixing Christian identity with American identity is bad for both. I hope to give you little bite-sized thoughts, which represent themes you'll find throughout the Bible and historic Christian teachings.

Today's reason I want to live as a Christian in a multi-faith world:
because Jesus taught us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. 

Yesterday, September 11, commemorated a tragic day for our country and our world. 23 years ago yesterday, nearly 3,000 lives were lost due to an act of terrorism committed by religious extremists. As people of faith, we have to come to terms with the truth: religious nationalists committed this attack. The men who carefully planned and carried out this act of violence against their perceived enemies, did so out of what they thought was religious devotion and national pride. 

Bear in mind, as I say this, that the vast majority of their fellow Muslims were just as horrified by this violence as the rest of the world: maybe even more so, because they knew better than others what a vile perversion of the Islamic faith Al Qaeda believed and taught. These attackers were so committed to their vision of a world in thrall to their narrow interpretation of Islam, that they saw everyone who did not agree as an enemy, deserving of death. 

Jesus' teaching was the opposite: rather than wishing death on our enemies, we are commanded to pray and wish blessings upon them. Islam, as practiced by most Muslims across the world, has similar teachings. Faith does not grow through violence or political coercion, full stop. In fact, the very moment when we begin to use violence in service to our faith, Jesus teaches, we have stopped living according to it.

I continue to stop for a moment every September 11, and grieve the many lives lost. I also say a prayer for the future, that the peaceful way of Jesus would prevail, first and foremost in the hearts of his followers.   

  For more background information read this statement from the ELCA's presiding bishop, or learn about Christians Against Christian Nationalism.   


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Christian Citizenship (Biblical Reasons Why I Want to Be a Christian in a Multi-Faith Nation) Part 34


Revelation 21:3-4

This post is part 34 of a series on Christian citizenship, and why I believe mixing Christian identity with American identity is bad for both. I hope to give you little bite-sized thoughts, which represent themes you'll find throughout the Bible and historic Christian teachings.

Today's reason I want to live as a Christian in a multi-faith world:
because nations are temporary.

During the 20th century, American Christians had a lot to say about the end times (eschatology, if you want the fancy term). This isn't new at all: many of Jesus' first followers believed he would return to reign over the world in their own lifetime. Martin Luther in the 16th century suspected it would happen in his own time, too. Needless to say, everyone so far has been incorrect. Often when the pace of change in the world picks up, so do speculations about what the Bible says about end times, and whether there might be clues that "this is it!"

During the Cold War and the following years in America, Christians turned to some of the cosmic battles portrayed in Revelation, and wondered what role the US and its allies (and adversaries) might play in these conflicts. Even in my (still kind of short?) lifetime, preachers have recast Revelation's "beast" many times, from the Soviet Union, to Al Qaeda, even to American political adversaries. While the "bad guy" has conveniently shifted over time, the "good guy" in much of American theology has remained constant: usually the modern-day state of Israel, and, not surprisingly, the United States. 

Bear in mind, before I say anything else, that I love our country very much, and I am thankful to God for the blessing and profound responsibility of being a U.S. citizen. That said, if you're reading Revelation properly, no human nation, not even Israel, is the "good guy." That role is permanently reserved for Jesus, the Lamb. And you can't cast any one human nation as "the Beast," because "the Beast" in Revelation stands in for how every human empire acts: using economic and military power to get what it wants, no matter the consequences to God's children. 

At the end of Revelation, John, the author, sees a new heaven and a new earth, centered in a new Jerusalem, which is open to people from all nations. God will dwell with us, to establish justice, and to wipe every tear from our eyes. The need for earthly divisions based on language, ethnicity, race, class, or nation, will be at an end. 

Why do I want us to be careful in connecting our nation and our Christian faith too closely? Because anything to do with our nation is transient. Impermanent. It will fade away, like a dream, as we wake to eternal life with God. Let's not confuse temporary things with eternal things. 

  For more background information read this statement from the ELCA's presiding bishop, or learn about Christians Against Christian Nationalism.