Friday, June 14, 2024

Christian Citizenship (Biblical Reasons Why I Want to Be a Christian in a Multi-Faith Nation) Part 27


This post is part 27 of a series on Christian citizenship, and why I believe mixing Christian identity with American identity is bad for both. I hope to give you little bite-sized thoughts, which represent themes you'll find throughout the Bible and historic Christian teachings.

I hope they make you think.

Today's reason why I want to live as a Christian in a multi-faith nation:

In article 13 of its draft social statement, the ELCA says, 

“religion can create divisions in civic life or can contribute to mending the torn social fabric and reconciling divided peoples. This church urges all people of faith to seek a constructive role that counters growing polarization, distrust, and ill will. Religious traditions can offer particular gifts of moral vision, inclusion, and compassion sorely needed in U.S. civic life.”

Christians should be people of peace, not people of division. In the letter to the Ephesians, the apostle writes that Jesus is our peace, because he has broken down the dividing wall between Jews and Gentiles. In Christ, people from very different ethnic and religious backgrounds are one. 

Jesus is our peace, our unity. When we are trying to unite and reconcile our neighbors, when we are pursuing peace instead of mocking and belittling those with whom we disagree, we are acting like people of peace. We are acting like Jesus. When we act out of fear, loudly defending our faith and attacking our neighbors, we are showing people a face of religion that is nothing like the face of Christ. 

For more background information read this statement from the ELCA's presiding bishop, or learn about Christians Against Christian Nationalism.   

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