Friday, January 10, 2020

Acts 9:10-19 Siblings in Vision

Observation: in Acts, there are several times when people receive visions from Jesus during prayer. Prayer is almost like turning on a radio receiver to hear from Jesus. 
This story is one of at least two I can think of, where Jesus gives a "double vision," telling Ananias about Saul and at the same time telling Saul about Ananias. A similar thing happens between Peter and Cornelius in the following chapter. Because both men are tuned into prayer, they get the same message. Jesus makes the introduction and sets up the appointment. And despite his doubts, when Ananias meets Saul, he refers to him as "brother." They are siblings, connected by a vision. 

Application: I can't say I've ever had a "vision" in the extraordinary sense depicted here. But I have had hunches, gut feelings, imaginings and ideas that seem to come out of nowhere. I've been in the right place at the right time more times than I can count. And prayer helps me be ready to recognize those moments, those inklings, as more than just random synapse firings. Prayer helps me turn on my radio, to hear the signal, however faint, of God's next right step for me. And prayer helps me recognize "siblings in vision", who seem to be having similar inklings. But if nothing comes up right away, I don't get too stressed. I know that more prayer, and more time with scripture, especially with others, is never a bad idea. 

Prayer: God, help me turn on my spiritual radio. Help me hear your signal. Help me find siblings in vision. Help us to follow our hunches, and see where they lead. Amen. 

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