Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Messiah: Pastoral Symphony

Listen: (1:11)

Reflection: This short, wordless  symphony marks a transition. Oratorios are set apart from Operas in that they are strictly musical performances, with no costumes or sets. Still, in my mind, listening to this "pastoral" symphony, I picture the stage lights going down, and the backdrop of Isaiah's urban Jerusalem being rolled away, leaving only the empty Green hills: the hills outside of Bethlehem. The shepherds silently shuffle into place, ready for the stage lights to come up again. It's almost time.

I imagine for shepherds, there are many silent, wordless moments throughout the day. If you mostly work with sheep, there may be few opportunities for conversation, and plenty of time to be alone with one's thoughts.

Driving back from Maggie's bus stop this morning, I had just about had it with Christmas radio, and had definitely had my fill of news radio, so I just switched it off, and drove home as the light, dusty snow came down. It was a nice break. Too often we try to fill the silence, rather than letting silence fill us. God's presence may break in if we let our voices grow still. Silence often prepares us to hear.

God, grant us silent moments today, and in the frantic days to come. Amen.

Discussion Question:

1) What is the most holy silence you have ever known?

2) How comfortable are you with silence? Is it something you actively seek out? 

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