Sunday, December 30, 2018

Colossians 3:12-17 Words of Encouragement at Christmas Halftime

Observation: Lots of encouragement for Christian Life. A wonderful image, not just to "be" compassionate, kind, humble, meek, patient, and loving, but to "clothe yourself" with those things.

Application: I don't do a lot of clothes shopping for myself. But often on Christmas morning, I find myself wearing an outfit of mostly new clothes, which I found under the tree.

This reading from Colossians reminds me that there are a lot of attributes Christians are supposed to just "have," as though they can just find them inside themselves. You follow Jesus, right? So why can't you just "be" more patient, kind, humble, compassionate, meek and loving? What's wrong with you that you can't do that?

We'll the thing is, that stuff isn't who we naturally are. We're human beings, not saintly superheroes. We're sinners like everyone else. We have a wonderful example of holy living in Jesus, but by ourselves, we can't imitate him. We need to be "clothed" with the things that made him special. Unless we find those gifts under the tree, from the Holy Spirit, we're not going to attain them on our own. 

At Christmas, a twelve day festival celebrating Jesus' birth, we remember that God chooses to be with us. God wants to live in our presence, full of grace and truth. We remember he is the gift, and this gift is there for us every day.

It's only the sixth day of Christmas. It's Christmas Halftime. While the rest of the world moves on to the next thing, while New Year celebrations ramp up, let's continue to celebrate, reflect, open our gifts from God, and try them on. Compassion, kindness, humility, patience, meekness and love... maybe we'll grow into them this year.

Prayer: God, thank you for the gifts your Spirit gives us this Christmas and each day. Help us to open them, to try them on, to wear them proudly for the world to see. Amen. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Micah 4:9-10 Is There No King in You?

Observation: the prophet tells the people they will go to Babylon. The exile in Babylon was a traumatic event in the history of God's people that became a symbol of every bad thing that happens when their relationship with God becomes strained. Yet still, it says "there you shall be rescued", and asks the rhetorical question, "Is there no king in you?" If God is their king, the answer is always "yes."

Application: This makes me think of the term "functional atheism." Even if we say we believe in God, and that God helps us in times of trouble, our attitude and actions day to day are as if that's not true.

No person of faith is immune to this. I catch myself falling into this trap all the time. It's especially tricky if you do a lot of outwardly "spiritual" things, like attend worship or Bible study, because you can point to those "churchy"  behaviors and still not  realize that you are making decisions every day as if there were no God.

I need help remembering that God is alive and active in my life. Now and again, I need someone to ask me, "Is there no King in you?"

Prayer: God, remind me you are here, you are for us, and that our lives will be a lot more meaningful if we act like it. Amen.